Kathleen's Words
Friendship As Spiritual Practice
I believe it is essential on the spiritual path to have true friends, for the loneliness we would otherwise suffer would be too great to bear. The philosopher Aristotle called friendship the art of holding up a mirror to each other’s souls. Emerson spoke of its two...
We must not become desensitized
We must not become desensitized. I know some of you don’t listen to the news, but you are being affected by it if you live on this planet. Look at the pain in the face of Diamond, the girlfriend of Philandro Castille, who was brutally shot by a police officer. Her...
From Karma to Dharma
One of the great struggles I witness in people is something I too struggled with for years—-knowing my path, my purpose. It took me losing my way to realize that was always on my path, no matter how lost I become. I invite you to consider that the plan the Universe,...
Fierce love in the face of fear
Latin night at a gay nightclub in Orlando, and the place is in full celebratory swing at 2 am when a deranged young man, supposedly inspired by the hate-filled ideology of ISIS, unleashes his own fury on the innocent crowd. 49 people, most of them gay men of Latin...
Feelings Just Are
The most common emotion I see people struggle with these days is anxiety, which eventually manifests as depression, as too much worry causes you to no longer feel joy in dealing with the everyday of life. Learning to shift anxiety and fear quickly to something more...
When Is The Last Time You Really Danced?
“The great man is he who does not lose his child's-heart.” ~Mencius, Book IV There is a widespread epidemic these days, where many people have lost their innocence and their ability to dance. I remember it well before the days of computers when we could not be...
What Are You Putting Out Into The World?
“It is not revolutions and upheavals that clear the road to better days, but revelations, and lavishness of someone’s soul inspired, and ablaze.” ~ Boris Pasternak, After the Storm I spend a great deal of time in coffee shops these days, writing, and I am at times...
Will You Spare Me Some Mercy?
“The quality of mercy is not strain'd, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.” Shakespeare Shakespeare was a wise man, and notes the double blessing of extending mercy....
“Don't be concerned about being disloyal to your pain by being joyous.”Hazrat Inayat Khan I find myself writing about this topic of the pain of the world again. Maybe it’s because we have never as a collective been exposed so intimately to so much heartache and...