Spiritual Activism, Wisdom Of The Heart
Why do human beings repeat certain behaviors and reactions over and over again, and then attribute the reason to something or someone outside of themselves—the boss, the partner, the lousy living condition? Even when it is obvious to someone else that the person...
Spiritual Activism, The Power Of Love, Wisdom Of The Heart
“And remember, as it was written, to love another person is to see the face of God.” — Les Miserables Here is an excerpt from my book, Activating Your Loveseed: Revealing the Blueprint for a Better World: I tell the couples I work with that their...
Connecting with the Divine/Spirit, Spiritual Activism
“There is a hard truth to be told: before spring becomes beautiful, it is plug ugly, nothing but mud and muck. I have walked in the early spring through fields that will suck your boots off, a world so wet and woeful it makes you yearn for the return of ice....
Connecting with the Divine/Spirit, Loveseed, Spiritual Activism, The Power of Compassion, The Power Of Love, Wisdom Of The Heart
“Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. Between these two banks the river of my life flows.” Nisargadatta Maharaj The concept of “deep time” was first described in 1788 by theScottish geologist James Hutton, and referred to the vast stretch of...
Living Your Purpose, Mental Health Crisis As Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Activism, Wisdom Of The Heart
“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” Samuel Beckett How often in my lifetime have I had to be vigilant as the fine dust of self-criticism clouded my vision, sending me down the rabbit’s hole of despair and disappointment with self....
Connecting with the Divine/Spirit, Spiritual Activism, Wisdom Of The Heart
“How does one become butterfly?’ Pooh asked pensively. ‘You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar,’ Piglet replied. ‘You mean to die?’ asked Pooh. ‘Yes and no,’ he answered. ‘What...
Connecting with the Divine/Spirit, Conscious Relationships, Spiritual Activism, The Power Of Love, Transforming Limiting Beliefs, Wisdom Of The Heart
“Anger is like flowing water; there’s nothing wrong with it as long as you let it flow. Hate is like stagnant water; anger that you denied yourself the freedom to feel, the freedom to flow; water that you gathered in one place and left to forget. Stagnant water...
Connecting with the Divine/Spirit, Conscious Relationships, Living Your Purpose, Spiritual Activism, The Power of Compassion, The Power Of Love, Wisdom Of The Heart
“Early in the journey you wonder how long the journey will take and whether you will make it in this lifetime. Later you will see that where you are going is HERE and you will arrive NOW…so you stop asking.” Ram Das, Be Here Now There is a whole generation of us...
Connecting with the Divine/Spirit, Living Your Purpose, Mental Health Crisis As Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Activism, The Power of Compassion, The Power Of Love, Transforming Limiting Beliefs, Wisdom Of The Heart
When I was in college, I remember opening up spiritually, and in so many ways, to life’s possibilities that seemed endless. This stage of development is called emerging adulthood, and is a distinct phase between adolescence and young adulthood. The brain is in...
Spiritual Activism, The Power of Compassion, Wisdom Of The Heart
The following is an excerpt from my book, Activating Your Loveseed: Revealing The Blueprint For A Better World. Many years back, I was earnestly studying the Course in Miracles, and was guided to work with a holy man named Tom, who lived and breathed the Course as if...