Self-Compassion Is At The Heart of The Law of Attraction

Essentially, the Law of Attraction can be understood by the concept that “like attracts like,” and that what we place our focus on has a huge impact on what is actually happening in our lives. If we focus on being afraid of things out there, we activate fear inside and that is our point of attraction, calling fearful things to us. If we focus on expecting a positive outcome, we can activate the feeling of optimism as a point of attraction inside. If we focus on our desire to connect, we activate openness inside as our point of attraction, and invite the same in others. We impact the outcome each time.


  “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen  Where does the light come from? Why does it always find that the dark has been there first? Take a moment and reflect upon these two questions, and you will discover the essence of...

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