“it is possible to come into such profound alignment with the moral and spiritual axis of the universe that every moment of your life is a walk in grace and that you know without any doubt that you are in the right place at the right time.” Craig Hamilton
Imagine living in that kind of alignment in this present day world of twitter storms and super-sized egos. Can you imagine it, or has the world torn your asunder and out of alignment from your own truth? Has the trauma of every day life caused you to feel as if you just can’t beat it any more? I don’t mean the PTSD of war or rape, but he trauma of living in a country whose leaders no longer reflect the values you’ve held dear….. the trauma of divorce, diagnosis and loss. So much loss.
I have heard people say, “It’s too sad for me. I need escape these days.” Yes, the movie is very sad, and real—-no Hollywood bullshit to gloss over the real pain of life, and wrapping it all up with a bow that leaves us feeling numb again. I felt sad, but then again, after 30 years of helping people thaw out from their frozen traumas, my sadness was that he did not get the help that might have made a difference.
In spite of and even because of all the trauma I have dealt with, I remain an eternal optimist of the human spirit. I have been present to the thaw, the rising up of what never dies in a human being, and watched people once again come into profound alignment after the unspeakable happens.
It may seem a mystery why one person can suffer so much loss, and rise up, and why another remains collapsed. It is all part of the mystery, to be sure, but there is a key, a golden nugget of truth that is worth remembering at this time.
The heart knows how to bring us back into profound alignment.
The heart is at the intersection of our mortal and divine natures, in the center of the chest. All morality must pass through this portal to become fully embodied. Out rules and the constraints of culture pale in comparison to what a human being can come to know deeply in the heart.
Jonathan Goldman, in his deeply moving article, says that “The heart has built in to it both a truth-o-meter and a bullshit meter. They are infallible when they are cleaned, trusted and tested in little ways before your life is turned over to them. “
Only your heart can guide you in this post-truth world of polished promises, so learning how to align with your heart is the education needed. No tests, teachers, or certifications. It’s you listening to your heart. Even if it is broken. I promise you, it won’t beat you up like your mind.
Here’s how:
- Set the intention to live through and from your heart. Commit to it, even if you don’t know how, or even what it means. It’s a choice, a decision to make. Your heart knows how if you give it a chance.
- Question authority. Whose authority? Who has it? How did you get it? How does something land as it passes through the filter of your heart?
- Practice acceptance of what is now. Just be with what is, and feel how you feel in your heart, as you be with what is. Feelings are not thoughts or the voices of the critic. They live in your body, not your head. As you breathe, focus on the center of your chest. Notice if there is small or big resistance to what is. Accept the resistance. Keep accepting everything you feel. This sets up a powerful vibration of truth, as you cease rationalizing.
- Acknowledge what you need to release. As you learn to live through and from the heart, since the heart is such a great bullshit detector, you will come to see that which is no longer compatible with your own heart. It may be the relationship, job, addiction, or whatever you are clinging to that has taken you away from your own heart. It takes enormous courage to live in alignment with your heart, along with the increased vitality and joy that inevitably comes with it.
- Find the necessary support. Hearts need other hearts. We are traumatized in relationship, and we need other humans to heal. That is simply how we are wired.
Yes, in these times where the slight-of-hand is the game of the day, there are millions of people who are committing even more passionately to living from the heart. The huge collective heart of humanity is crying out through music and art and children. Acts of unspeakable horror are being met with acts of unimaginable compassion and courage.
Do yourself a big favor and listen to this video of a 6-year-old girl—a true spiritual master—- who is delivering the most important message humanity needs at this time. Listen to her wisdom, and feel her in your heart. She is the voice of truth coming through—the voice that never dies.
May we create lives that are a walk in grace—grounded, grateful, and infinitely hopeful.