“It has become necessary for collective humanity to gain a more conscious awareness of the psychological fact that we’re all in this together and that we are all in uncharted territory. That is what the climate crisis says to us and the coronavirus may be saying in its own sad way: that we all affect each other and that one person can actually affect everyone else.”  Michael Meade 

We have not been here before 

Everything feels completely different for a reason—it is.  These times have been predicted as part of the dismantling of the old systems.  Here on planet Earth, we are called to a very different and high-level embodiment of trust in a larger reality based on deep connection and love.   Old realities, timelines and attachments are falling away as we face the uncharted territory ahead.   

It is a good time to remember what the great physicist Albert Einstein said:  “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”  In other words, we have a say in how this goes, both personally and as a collective.   We have never had such an opportunity to apply this truth to a global situation as we do now.  

Listen with a deeper heart 

At this collective turning point, we must face our deepest fears in order to grow. Big government and big business are called to stop and listen to the bodies of humanity in spite of stock market crashing and in spite of the insatiable drive to keep expanding.  If we can consciously stop and drop and listen from a deeper heart at this time, we have an opportunity individually and as a global family to clarify what is important in our lives, and to connect to our essential purpose more fully.  

This turning point is a time were we simultaneously feel the vibration of the old way, what is happening now, and the vibration of the new that we don’t yet know or understand.  The mind cannot figure this out, and in its attempt to do so, anxiety arises because there are no clear answers at this time.  The only way you can be with what is happening now in this strange space between the worlds is through the Zero-point field of your high heart, or what is called the Sacred Heart.

To do that, bring your attention to your heart center in the middle of your chest and breathe there, toward the back where your spine is.  Put your hands gently on your heart in the space of calmness and breathe into the center of your chest. Allow yourself to feel a flow of warm comforting  light as you rest deeply in your heart.  As you breathe, see and feel the space in the back and front of your chest expanding into more and more merciful awareness of all that is the world today.  Make room for whatever is there, feeling your devotion to the One.  Feel the love you have for your family, friends, others and yourself.  Feel the well of compassion filling and overflowing outward, and link your compassion to the band of compassion that is circling the planet being held by many beings. Join them in a spirit of joyful unity that knows the power of Love.

How to be fully present at this time 

No matter what is being said on the news, remember that the background vibration of all of this is Divine Love.  If you remember this, you can witness the truth of what is happening. How you show up at this time demonstrates your level of consciousness.

To remain smug or in denial, is certainly not wise.  To become terrified and catastrophizing helps no one.   

As the shut-downs increase on a physical level, there is a corresponding shut-down on an energetic level.  The removal of all the distractions is not a declaration of war, but an opportunity to upgrade your entire focus from the inside out.  

Quiet, meditation, good self-care are key.  Each of us has the capacity to be an alchemist at this time.  Spiritual alchemy involves using the frequency of thought to alter the harmonics of matter and applying the element of love to create the result you want. Essentially, this is prayer as a conscious co-creator.   

It helps to listen to uplifting music at this time.  Here is a powerful song called Love Is The Only Prayer to inspire your prayers.

Remain grounded and get outside and hang out with trees.  They don’t get the virus and are incredibly loyal.

Connect with Spirit and find the flow 

My friend Marnie just responded to me after I told her I was writing about how to be in these times of not knowing.  Here is her awesome response:

“When my brain starts to spin out and I’m not in a grounded zen place, I take it down to a very basic question: what’s in my control and what’s out of my control? I find that it makes things more manageable and I can get to acceptance. Then I make a list of three things I can address that are in my control and those bite-sized pieces feel attainable. And then I can breathe and relax into a place to connect with spirit and find the flow. “ 

It’s a different flow, but Spirit is the same.  In fact, it is the flow of Spirit moving through your life that you can orient to at this time, and know that all is well.

May I honor all the experiences that are unfolding.   

May the fear and illness agenda be dismantled quickly with cooperation and love.

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