“Love has power to give in a moment what toil can scarcely reach in an age. “ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
We are here now, facing every last remnant of the patriarchy in the way it shows up in our fears, addictions, doubts, scarcity, depression, anxiety—all the various faces of fear. The domains of love, money, health and fulfilling a sense of purpose are the main areas of concern, and the old ways of thinking and behaving are no longer serving us during this jump time, where, as Jean Houston says, “The only requirement is joy and a willingness to say “yes” to the new epic that dawns, right now, in you and me and those fortunate to be alive in the great today. We are seeds coded with cosmic dreams. Bursting the pods of our containment, we are ready to enter into creative partnership with the Universe and to populate our particular corner of space-time with our unique vision and capacity.”
If indeed we are “seeds coded with cosmic dreams,” those seeds are truly ready to burst, and yet, many don’t know how to live on earth with grace and ease due to collective codings of scarcity and disease of body, mind and spirit. A huge pressure builds up creating stress, depression and overwhelm. One of the biggest “reasons” why people never realize their cosmic dreams is the perceived lack of financial resources.
You must first fully accept with your entire being that all is an out-picturing of your very own mind. The world reflects you, and until you experience true wealth inside, the likelihood that true wealth will be part of your outer 3-D experience is very slim, due to the Universal laws that govern all of life.
Since even science concurs that the Universe is infinite, with inexhaustible transformable resources, our ability to attract financial wealth is also unlimited. Your immortal self or Soul knows this, but the mortal human self has been conditioned to think in terms of finite and limited possibilities.
We are pulled via our emotions into the 3-D world of reactivity where for every blissful feeling we also feel agony, for every place we feel rich, we also have the experience of poverty——the bank account is full, but the time spent with family is not enough—-the sense of peace is great, but the sense of purpose is lacking—-the comfort in a relationship is great, yet we miss the passion we no longer feel. This swinging between polarities in the realm of duality is what we are saying good-bye to.
Yet we are emotional beings, with powerful currents that course through our bodies and minds. We have been trained to see effect for the cause. We see our low bank account as the cause of our stress, and our level of fear escalates as we fail to trust, and begin to react:
- We put off saving because we are waiting for the day when we have enough for bills and then some left over, and we never get there, never feel secure, and in fact, feel cheated that we did not take that trip or learn that instrument that we would have if we had enough money.
- We imagine we will have time some day to pay attention to our deadening relationship, but we bury ourselves in work and that time never comes, and we live unfulfilled for years, or one walks out the door.
- We promise ourselves that we will leave this stale job and finally make a living doing what we know we are meant to do and gives us deep fulfillment, but that day never comes, and we never get to know what we are truly made of.
Now if you look at each one of these typical yet common examples, there is a sense of scarcity and not-enoughness at the bottom of it all. And that translates in 3-D into not enough money for the things that really matter.
We must learn to shift that dynamic to one where we feel enoughness, we feel true wealth inside—–no matter what is in our bank account—–and this can most easily be done if you pay attention to 3 areas requiring mastery at this time:
1. Become the master of your emotions
Swinging between the poles is wearing us out and our endocrine systems have taken a strong hit, especially in women. The constant masculine pushing has exhausted us and created doubt and fear to trust our feminine selves. And men have become unsure, not knowing how to support the women they love.
Getting the support we need at this time is essential. It could be energy work, supplements, transformational psychotherapy or coaching—-but we all need support at this time.
Find your balance point. Is it gratitude, compassion, love? These are higher states of consciousness that immediately shift us out of fear and victimhood into a place of power. Researchers at the Institute of HearthMath in Boulder Creek, CA, conduct experiments on the capacities of the human mind in various states of consciousness. They’ve found that when people attain states of gratitude and love, and when their hearts and brains are in coherence, the power of their intent and presence is maximized. Subjects in this state of loving presence were able to impact strands of DNA in a beaker some distance away, just by willing it to happen.
Likewise, you have the ability to affect matter and change the world around you with your heart/mind. The most powerful states of heart and mind available to a human being are those of gratitude, love, certainty and presence.
2. Become the master of your money
First of all, when money is organized, it flows more easily. Chaos around finances, not really knowing how much is available and either hording or spending unwisely dramatically increases our anxiety and keeps us on an emotional roller coaster. So you must first either take the time or get the help to get organized around your finances.
Next, begin saving 10% of your monthly net income, and put it into a Soul Money Account, to begin to attract more wealth now, so that eventually, you are free to live doing what your soul is meant to do. To multiply this savings geometrically, you increase your percentage and minimum savings amount by 10% and watch what happens, That means if your’re putting $1,000 into a money market or special savings account every month, after 3 months you jump it up 10% and for the next 3 months you save $1100. 3 months later, you increase it another 10% to $1,210, then $1,331, and at the end of a year, it rises to $1,464.
It just keeps going up, and as you build a cushion which you discipline yourself not to touch, you build both an inner sense of accomplishment and a actual financial cushion that declares to your entire being, that you are worth it. This supports the expression of your soul, and you will find that you are far more creative in making the connections that bring money into your life because you have taken a stand for your own soul.
Tithing 10% of our money to a source of spiritual nourishment or inspiration is one of the most powerful ways to declare to the universe that you are a source of abundance. When you tithe to your own Soul Money Account, you are doing just that, and eventually your ability to contribute more to others in need grows.
3. Become the master of the time you have
If you constantly feel as if you never have enough time to do what you really are called to do, whether in a day or a life, you never will.
Deepak Chopra says that the most powerful anti-aging behavior is when we rush. Imagine that. We are taught to rush, push, compete, win. Success is often seen as a race to be the most innovative, smartest, richest, most powerful faster than anyone else.
We must step back and ask ourselves what is really important, and often we will find that 80% of what we do is unnecessary.
Things are moving too fast to “manage time.” Instead, it helps us to use tools that take into our account what we prioritize, such as the Pomodoro Technique, which I have been using to stay focused and accomplish what I set out to do.
As a business owner, you can save yourself a huge amount of struggle and lost time if you get clear about your priorities. Take a piece of paper and make 3 columns. At the top write “Hell Yes!”
“Hell No!” “Maybe”—then go back and put the maybe’s in one or the other column. You take a huge weight off your mind by getting clear not having to feel as if you have so much to do all the time.
Most importantly, remember to be grateful to be alive during this time of such quantum transformation. Yes, it is not easy at times, and no, the things we have been taught are often of no use at this time. You must be open to a very new way of thinking, seeing and acting, and not mistake effects in your life for cause. You must realize that you are the cause of all of your life. Your mind cannot fathom this, and yet, your heart understands, and your soul is constantly nudging you to claim that power you are made of.
The real YOU will not be satisfied until you do, so you may as well get on with it.