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Karma Or Grace? It’s Your Choice!

There is for each man, perfect self-expression. There is a place which he is to fill and no one else can fill, something which he is to do, which no one else can do; it is his destiny! This achievement is held, a perfect idea in Divine Mind, awaiting man’s recognition. As the imaging faculty is the creative faculty, it is necessary for man to see the idea, before it can manifest. So man’s highest demand is for the Divine Design of his life.”

 Florence Skovel Shinn

Imagine that to be the truth—-that there is something which no one else but you can do.  There is an expression of you that is aligned with the very highest idea in the mind of God, the Universe, the All That Is.  If you accept the mantel of this belief, something remarkable happens.  There is nothing to prove, and there is no burden to carry. Your clearly defined task is then to discover what that perfect self expression is, which your conditioning from childhood and the culture either implicitly or explicitly discourages.

Whether you truly believe that or not, you are constantly seeking that perfection of expression, either as a force for Good, or as a force that keeps you in a cycle of suffering.  You are either living a life of karmic circumstance, or one aligned with that which transcends and supercedes all karma.  Some call it the Law, others the Divine Design, God.

There is a structure to the Design.  There are Universal Spiritual Laws that guide us, and they are split into four categories:

1.      The Basic Laws of Life  The Law of Attraction, The Law of Request, The Law of Resistance, The Law of Reflection, The Law of Projection, The Law of Attachment.

2.    The Laws of Creation  The Law of Attention, The Law of Flow, The Law of Abundance, The Law of Clarity, The Law of Intention, The Law of Prosperity, The Law of Manifestation and The Law of Success.

3.    Laws of Higher Awareness  The Law of Balance and Polarity, The Law of Karma, The Law of Reincarnation, The Law of Responsibility, The Law of Discrimination, The Law of Affirmation, The Law of Prayer, The Law of Meditation, The Law of Challenge.

4.     Laws of Higher Frequency The Law of Frequency or Vibration, The Law of Miracles, The Law of Healing, The Law of Purification, The Law of Perspective, The Law of Gratitude, The Law of Blessings, The Law of Decree, The Law of Faith, The Law of Grace and The Law of One.

Under the Laws of Higher Frequency, The Spiritual Law of Grace tells us that ‘grace’ is a Divine dispensation of mercy, dissolves karma, changes matter, and creates miracles.

We can invoke this Spiritual Law of Grace to transmute and change our emotional feelings, to heal relationships, our physical bodies and health, and even to transmute our debts.  We must, however, be prepared and ready to receive it.  We created our karmic challenges with our own consciousness, and we must learn the lessons of our experiences before we can ask for grace and be fully open to receive it.

The learning of those lessons is always through self- and other- forgiveness, acceptance, responsibility and compassion, and brings us into alignment with the Divine Design, which is always one of perfection and abundance.  When we don’t learn, we remain stuck on the wheel of karma, repeating the challenges which bring us the opportunity to learn again.

We have been immersed for some time now in a massive shift in consciousness from the illusion of separation and fear, or what I call the dream, which is of the mind,  to the realization of oneness and love, where the heart reigns.   Before this resolution of the illusion, we could actually create a future either from a glass half full, or a glass half empty.  The outcome would show up in our lives as one of abundance or lack, depending upon our mindset, our vibration.   We know this now, for we have come to realize that we are co-creators.

Something has shifted so that when you focus on the dream, it does not become a creative impulse, but rather keeps you in the dream, in the illusion The Laws of Creation are now aligned with the evolutionary impulse, which is only served by the new consciousness of oneness and love.  It is no longer possible to create a future from a place of fear and negativity, which is not an expression of the Divine Design.  Instead, negativity accelerates the breakdown of what is out of alignment. The two areas most often affected are health and wealth.

There are many evolved beings and lightworkers on the planet right now, who are struggling as never before in the areas of health and wealth, matters of the lower chakras that ask to be healed and resolved.  I believe that the reason these challenges are being faced even more by such people is that they are already living more in a consciousness of oneness, and yet still carry unresolved negative and limiting beliefs in their subconscious minds, which are creating accelerated breakdown.  They are being asked to be impeccable warriors of the Light, which means that they must face their shadows.

Our task then, is to become free of those limiting beliefs. Most of us know this, and many of you have certainly tried every which way but Sunday to become free.  I know I have, and yet, still, I must daily face fears that I’ve never faced before, because I have answered the call to fulfill this perfect self-expression, and to co-create a future that is a reflection of my highest self.

If you are having a hard time, do not for a moment lose faith, because you are being called through that adversity to make the changes that will create the new reality. 

If you are one of those people, below are some tools and tips from my toolbox, which you can use, to live your daily life aligned with The Spiritual Law of Grace:

o   Practice the art of non-resistance:  Whenever you encounter a situation that creates upset or contraction within you, you allow all of it to pass right through you.  You can imagine things actually passing through you, and you can declare the situation part of the dream.  Notice any attempts to make up a story and simply recognize that as your mind attempting to gain control.  Let go of any need to be right, or defend yourself, or oppose someone else. Breathe and gather any churning energy into your navel area, and breathe it out with focus and power.  Appreciate yourself for your ability to do this.

o   Practice the art of compassion, beginning with yourself:  We are a culture conditioned to be self-critical and harsh with expectations.  Research shows that 2/3 of Americans suffer from low self-esteem, which is not the vibration of your perfect self-expression.   The reality is that we are always doing the best we can, and in the attempt to improve ourselves, we must come begin with self-acceptance.  Love is the transformative agent!!

o   Practice the art of learning the lesson:  No matter how challenging your obstacles are, remember that there is something for you to learn that will open you to Grace if you can truly receive the lesson.  This entails the willingness to be impeccably honest with yourself about your intentions and actions.  Are you coming from a place of lack, fear, greed, anger,  shame, or any place within you that still believes in the dream?   Because we are in such a speeded up time, our lessons come fast and furious so that we can more quickly make the changes that align us with the creative impulse of the heart.  Never ask “Why me?” but instead, “What can I learn and how can I now create from this place?”

It truly is up to us.  Grace is the flower on the thorny step of karmic conditioning.  When it blooms depends upon our choice to love or fear.

I would love to hear about your tools, and any experiences of Grace that you have experienced by holding to your perfect self expression.

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As my free gift to you, I'm sharing a chapter from my book,Loveseed: The Template For Birthing A New World, called From Karma To Dharma that shows you how to name and claim your unique purpose. Included is a special meditation designed to connect you with your loveseed, the sweet spot of eternal aliveness within you

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