My heart was so heavy when I woke up this morning, and I couldn’t get moving until I unburdened myself.  I went into the garden and watched a bee pollinate an eggplant flower, and sadness fell over me for the dying of the bees.  No, I can’t drown in sadness, I thought, and maybe my friends who know nothing much about what is going on in the world are right.  It’s all too much. 
I knew this was not true for me.  I cannot become clueless which leads to indifference. 
The poet in me rose to the occasion, and brought me back to what is true.  I share the poem with you now.  I know I will have a more joyful weekend having done so!
May you as well, as we prepare for the big eclipse!
Magnify The Love Today
a bee pollinated the purple flower
on the eggplant
In my garden. 
countless more people died from
cars being driven into crowds.
a man called a leader
revealed no moral compass
millions more bodies, minds and hearts
were ravaged
by the virus of hatred and greed.
a grieving mother’s words
reverberate in my soul:
If you are not outraged
You are not paying attention.
someone I love
wanted to kill himself
because the holy war in his head
is not the one he ever wanted to fight.
after the outrage
I let my heart break
to let out the pain that
causes the jihad
and contributes to terror.
many people blamed the trouble
on the effects of the solar eclipse.
I stopped asking why.
I stepped back
and remembered
to breathe in the love
that is everywhere…
…in the purple flower
the people dying
and crying—
in the empty king
the courageous mother
in my nephew
and in my heart…
I breathe everything
into my heart
and with all of my being
I magnify the love.
I want to shout
so everyone can hear
you have the love inside you
and only you can make your life count.
Kathleen Hanagan
August 18, 2017

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