Dying to Who We Think We Are, So We Can BE Reborn to Who WE Really ARE!
with Cayelin Castell
Cayelin is the co-founder of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School at https://shamanicastrology.com and co-wrote the first edition of The Shamanic Astrology Handbook in 1993 updated it in 2002 and again updated and expanded it in 2012 and 2014. In 2014 Cayelin also co-founded and co-created the Venus Alchemy Initiatory Online Class Series at https://venusalchemy.com. In 1995 Cayelin was initiated in the Priestess Process and is a Divine Creation High Priestess in the lineage of Nicole Christine. Inspired by her priestess work she has been coaching clients to ceremonially engage the transformative Venus Cycle for over 20 years and writing the Celestial Timings Astronomy and Astrology e-zine since 1996. Cayelin has facilitated live events, teleseminars, and webinars. She has been a guest on several radio shows, online summits, podcasts and Google Hangouts. She is also available for personal sessions. Learn more about Cayelin at her website venusalchemy.com