Join me, Kathleen Hanagan, spiritual guide, priestess, and author of Loveseed: The Template For Birthing A New World. This gathering is to activate that template, which is a frequency of love that is shared among us. These master classes that a are intended to initiate a cultural shift toward the expression of love and an authentic assumption of responsibility right where we live – in our work, our relationships, and in all we do. You can listen to the by singing up below:

We are birthing a New World based on kindness and truth!


It isn’t easy to remain awake and steady during these chaotic times.

  •  Maybe you feel you don’t have time, or the emotional bandwidth to put in the effort, and you continue old habits that no longer serve.
  • Maybe you feel powerless to do anything to change what’s happening, and feel a sense of resignation.
  • Maybe you just don’t know what you are called to do, what your purpose is beyond just getting by.

These master classes in truth and love are meant to support you as you decide daily.  When you join these Conversations, you receive an email in your inbox every day. Each class is a video recording between 35-45 minutes.  There is no limited time to listen, and all recordings will be posted on my website.

There is nothing to buy—no upgrades, no packages.  This is FREE, my gift to YOU!

What you can expect:

  • You will be wildly inspired by remarkable people who have devoted their lives to making the world a better place.
  • You will learn how to cultivate self-compassion as the basis for the way you serve in the world, so that you no longer feel “not good enough.”
  • You will learn how to clear out karmic patterns that can be released to the light, so that you can feel joy again.
  • You will learn powerful tools to help you deal with your Inner Critic, so that you free up energy to do the things that are really important to you.
  • You will learn the key to transforming suffering into life-altering breakthrough.
  • And much more…….

Meet Some of the Co-Creators of A New World

Howard Martin

What is Heart-Connected Living and Why Is This An Important Next Step For Humanity

Catherine Ewing

Tap For Your Life: Cultivate a Healthy Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Life Through Tapping

Trina Hammack

Discover the #1 Secret Root Cause to ALL Disease

Rob Schwartz

Awakening to Your Life Purpose, Discovering Your Life Plan

Anyaa McAndrew

The Sacred Feminine: A View From the Edge

Cayelin Castell

Dying to Who We Think We Are, So We Can BE Reborn to Who WE Really ARE

Kaya Singer

Listen to your Wise and Wild Woman

Steve Nobel


Beloved Heartsong

Trusting Spirit in an Untrustworthy World

Charlon Bobo

For Women, Potency Is Power

Diane Dunn

Say Yes

Sabine Messner

Igniting Your Co-Creator Reality

Bill Pfeiffer

Wild Earth, Wild Soul

Dava Money

Living A Truly Authentic Life

Kate Hudgins

Life After Trauma: Post-traumatic Growth with TSM Psychodrama

Terri Daniel

God: A New Story

Bridget Boland

Stepping into Majesty: How to Embody the Queen Archetype

David Strickel

Closing the gap on the law of attraction

Kate Rose

How to tune into and listen to your inner light

Alex Preciado

Ancestral Altars and Plants of Power

Michelle James

Partnering With The Unknown As a Co-creative Resource

Lynne Klippel

Create a New World by Claiming Your Voice

Sampriya/Marie-Lou Kuhne Millerick

Meditation allows the caterpillar to know it is a Butterfly

Carol Fitzpatrick

The Zero Point of the New Earth Grid

Barbara Wilder

The Moment is Always Perfect

Andrew Paul Sokolsky

How To Be The Best Lover, Ever

Nancy Kern

Transform Trauma and Overwhelm to
Wisdom and Self-Love

Susan Schachterle

Shedding the Pain, Shame, and Burden of the Past to Create the Future We Want

Karen Ward


Pamelah Landers

Your Soul Contract Is Written In Your Hands

Angela Blueskies

No More Spiritual Bypassing: The Importance of Embracing the Shadow

R. Raminyah Ingram

Illuminating The Wombniverse: Mastering Your Inner Cosmos


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