Become A Fountain Of Love
“Become one who can give everyone what they need, because there is so much need. And become one who can fully receive, so that you can become a fountain of love and give everyone what they need.” Kathleen Hanagan
“Become one who can give everyone what they need, because there is so much need. And become one who can fully receive, so that you can become a fountain of love and give everyone what they need.” Kathleen Hanagan
Our ability to be vulnerable first with ourselves, and then with others is far from being synonymous with weakness or being broken or needy, as is so often believed, It is in truth our most reliable strength in a world where ideology and lies are used as weapons, between friends, family members, and even partners.
Walking on the rugged New England coast yesterday, I picked up 2 rocks and began to taking photos of them, from different points of view. The words, “there are many points of view” kept appearing in my mind. I began to think of how each and every one of the 7.5 billion humans on earth as a different point of view, however slightly different they may be.
This time is unlike any other time you have known in your current lifetimes. It is a pivotal turning point at which you cannot fail if you ask what would Love do?