Conscious Relationships, Life, Purpose, Relationships, The Power Of Love, Wisdom, Wisdom Of The Heart
There are many planes of reality, from the physical Earth plane to higher dimensions where all is made of light. In this plane, matter does not exist as we know it here on Earth. One of the most beautiful aspects of the journey of becoming fully conscious is the meeting with your Beloved.
Connecting with the Divine/Spirit, Mastering Emotions, Mental Health Crisis As Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Activism, The Power Of Love, Wisdom Of The Heart
You don’t hear the term, “the shift,” as in a shift of consciousness or paradigm shift, very often anymore. It seems many people now agree that there has been a shift, and that we are fully in it, and that we are in a new world now. Many say they have already had their shift in consciousness, often brought on by some ordeal, as a physical illness or divorce or financial crisis, or all of the above. The shift may have been from focusing on success and money to prioritizing family and love, or from pushing one’s body too far to radical self-care.
Living Your Purpose, Loveseed, The Power of Compassion, The Power Of Love
I recently watched Al Gore’s documentary, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, the sequel to his first documentary that bought climate change into the heart of the popular culture. I found myself thinking how anyone, especially world leaders, could be so...