Compassion, Life, Mastering Emotions, Mental Health Crisis As Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Activism, The Power Of Love
“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is...
Loveseed, Spiritual Activism, The Power Of Love
“Be a lamp or a lifeboat or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.” Rumi From the book: Full-spectrum living involves active intent. In fact, intention is a form of love. Love as intention. Love as command, not...
Connecting with the Divine/Spirit, Living Your Purpose, Mental Health Crisis As Spiritual Awakening, Wisdom Of The Heart
In the course of my work with thousands of people over 30 years, I have come to make a very significant observation: the people who become adept at surrender are far happier than those who don’t. What gets in the way? Needing to be right, feeling offended, insulted,...
Connecting with the Divine/Spirit, Mastering Emotions, The Power Of Love, Transforming Limiting Beliefs, Wisdom Of The Heart
We are here, in 2018, for better or for worse, as far as circumstances go, which is always up for grabs. We simply cannot know what will happen, even with the most skilled intuitives, astrologers, and other wise folk attempting to guide us ahead of time. One sure way...
Connecting with the Divine/Spirit, Living Your Purpose, Mastering Emotions, The Power of Compassion, The Power Of Love, Transforming Limiting Beliefs, Wisdom Of The Heart
“Inspiration comes forth from within. It’s what the light burning within you is about, as opposed to motivation, which is doing it because if you don’t do it, there will be negative repercussions. Motivation is making myself do something that I don’t...