Conscious Relationships, Life, The Power Of Love, Wisdom Of The Heart
Walking on the rugged New England coast yesterday, I picked up 2 rocks and began to taking photos of them, from different points of view. The words, “there are many points of view” kept appearing in my mind. I began to think of how each and every one of the 7.5 billion humans on earth as a different point of view, however slightly different they may be.
Connecting with the Divine/Spirit, Conscious Relationships, The Power of Compassion, The Power Of Love, Wisdom Of The Heart
“Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk.” –Doug Larson I recently had an important document go into my spam folder after increasing the war against junk mail. That same week I had a breakdown...
Connecting with the Divine/Spirit, Living Your Purpose, Mental Health Crisis As Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Activism, The Power of Compassion, The Power Of Love, Transforming Limiting Beliefs, Wisdom Of The Heart
When I was in college, I remember opening up spiritually, and in so many ways, to life’s possibilities that seemed endless. This stage of development is called emerging adulthood, and is a distinct phase between adolescence and young adulthood. The brain is in...