“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4

The archetype of the Apocalypse

There is a memory in every human being on planet earth of great catastrophe of an apocalyptic nature.  It is in our very cells, because it’s happened over and over.   From his deep study of the Book of Revelation, Jung called this the “archetype of the Apocalypse, which is the activation of the archetype of the Self–the central archetype of meaning.  This I AM consciousness  is brings with it an entirely new worldview, a new relationship to the Divine that includes the Divine Feminine, and a new stage of psychological and spiritual maturation for the whole earth.

It is very important for as many people as possible to know about this archetype, and what it is truly about, because it awakens in us the power each individual has to change the future.  If many people understand the intention of this most powerful archetype and internalize its meaning in their own lives, the fate of the world can be entirely different.

Our contemporary culture is riddled with examples indicative of the degradation characteristic of a civilization in its end stages.  To not see that is an example of the denial inherent in that degradation. 

The archetype of the apocalypse brings with it a wave of vision, inspiration, innovation and connection.  It reminds us that we are sovereign beings with free will, who can choose not to be victims of what appears out of our hands. 

This radical reset calls us to step up and bring our very own light into the world through our love and service.

Archetypes and the collective unconscious

On a collective level, instinctual root needs are being tended to in an entirely new way during this quieting down of humanity.   The pandemic has also activated archetypal wounds of loneliness, abandonment, and fear of death, so that we can acknowledge, feel and heal them, for it is our collective task is to dissolve the past and begin anew.

Archetypes  have a universal quality and are common to all persons regardless of race, culture or creed.  Every human collective has mother, father, birth, death,  in its culture, as these are primal features of human existence.

These archetypes are neuropsychic centers in that they are part of our psyche and our nervous system.  They hold potential and give rise to patterns of behavior that help us to respond in the moment to experiences that arise in life.  As we upgrade our nervous systems through more quiet and a turning inward, we are bringing those potentials forth. 

Jung said, “Just as his instincts compel man to a specifically human mode of existence, so the archetypes force his ways of perception and apprehension into specifically human patterns. The instincts and the archetypes together form the ‘collective unconscious.’”

Archetypes have a numinous or divine quality to them, a great power that derives from their source in the collective unconscious. The archetype of the apocalypse is here now to awaken us at the level of the collective unconscious, so that we can rise to the occasion of these demanding times. 

The great battle

On a physiological level, the pandemic mirrors the collective “invasion” of something that is a harbinger of a new reality.  We experience it as an attack, and yet, it has a potent message.

As a child I was often awakened from nightmares of global annihilation, as I frantically sought to find and save my family members.  Anyone who has embarked on and remained true to a path of personal and spiritual growth, is familiar with dreams of nuclear explosions, and disaster that arise from the collective unconscious.  It is common to encounter repellent and threatening figures, as we wrestle with our shadow side. You must face every fear, and they are all fears of the self (ego). 

Growth and change demands that we enter into a great battle and face a choice.  We can resist the deeper work, live in denial and dismiss our dreams as insignificant, or we can open our minds and hearts to the true meaning of their messages.  This requires that we allow the ego to be confronted by the Self, which the ego never welcomes.  Jung noted that “the experience of the Self is always a defeat for the ego.”

The archetype of the Self

Part of growing up spiritually and becoming a whole person is coming to recognize how limited and inferior the ego is, compared to the wisdom and power of the Self, whose home is the Sacred Heart.

The human ego doesn’t like facing its own frailty, and wants to buy into the rampant gaslighting about getting back to “normal,” that has already begun.  It wants to think it can run the show and be in control of life, and does not like being forced to confront its limitations, and discomfort. 

The Self is our Divinity, and seeks our renewal.  As it enters the world of the ego’s making, it shatters its conventions and images, so that a new inner reality more appropriate to our Soul can emerge.  With the archetype of the apocalypse now fully activated, the feelings of anxiety, helplessness, despair and overwhelm reflect just how much the ego is out of its depths, and wants to slip back into denial. 

The Self calls us to transition from our old ways of thinking and being into a more expansive and authentic way.  This takes time, but the Self does not let us down.  It also does not let us off!  When we do not follow its lead, it shows up in the crises of our lives.  We are there now!

Losing our old world and old ways

Only by losing our old world and ways of living can we experience the apocatastasis, the reconstitution or renewal that is at the heart of the archetype of the apocalypse.  It is both revolutionary and evolutionary. 

Each of us must find a way to embrace the roar descending on all of us to raise our vibration to a higher plane of consciousness.  Rather than fall into the momentary needs of the ego, we are asked  to become collective healers of individual and community pain.  If we can learn from our individual suffering, we can respond with compassion to others, especially those most afraid.  We can show the way, even as our human hearts break open to reveal the Love we are made of. 

There are assumptions, paradigms and rules in our present civilization that need to fall away, whether they be about how we make and share money, relationships, how we care for our bodies, how we teach our children, how we use technology, eat, give birth.  New structures based on natural law and sacred geometry are already being revealed in the webs woven by zoom. 

The truth is not out there, and whoever “they” are that seem to know everything about us, is not where we need to put our attention if we are to co-create a New World.  Instead, this is the time to hold the tension of the opposites and become crystal clear what you stand for. 

The R-Evolution will not be televised

In 1971, when I was a sophomore in college, Gil Scott-Heron wrote “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.”  The following excerpt from this powerful poem speaks to us all now”

The revolution will not be televised

The revolution will not be right back after a message
About a white tornado, white lightning, or white people
You will not have to worry about a germ on your Bedroom
a tiger in your tank, or the giant in your toilet bowl
The revolution will not go better with Coke
The revolution will not fight the germs that cause bad breath
The revolution WILL put you in the driver’s seat
The revolution will not be televised

WILL not be televised, WILL NOT BE TELEVISED

The revolution will be no re-run brothers
The revolution will be live

And so it is, live, the revolution of consciousness that evolves us so that we, the creators, can bring forth what is needed at this time. 

You know who you are.  You have the fire of revolution in your heart that has been burning for a long time. 

Go forth.

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