Mind: I’m worried.
Heart: Just relax.
Mind: But I’m totally lost now.
Heart: Just follow me.
Mind: But you’ve never been there before.
Heart: Trust me, you’ll love it.
Soul: If you two would shut up, I’ll show you the map.
When I received this from a friend, I smiled, remembering how hard it was to learn to listen to my Soul, to learn its sacred language. I thought of the several clients I had worked with lately, who are in the throes of this very conversation between the mind and the heart. It is always tumultuous, and often painful. “My mind says to stay in my marriage, but my heart says to go. I don’t know what to do.” “My sponsor says to forgive him, and I know I need to if I am to get better. Buy my heart is too sad still. I feel stuck.”
To be in the struggle of this conversation indicates that you are caught in the analytical mind, a dimension of duality or polarity that can be a big obstacle to enlightenment.
The key is to stop long enough, drop into the high heart tune in, and listen to the Soul. In essence, the Soul calls to us, and we need to attune to the Soul if we want to learn its language. Yet nothing much in our culture or in the way children have been raised is focused on teaching this very essential and sacred art of listening to the Soul, which is the path of enlightenment.
What is enlightenment?
Immanual Kant’s definition of enlightenment resonates in my Soul,
“Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one’s own understanding without another’s guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one’s own mind without another’s guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) ‘Have the courage to use your own understanding,’ is therefore the motto of the enlightenment.”
The Soul is our diamond nature
The soul substance is composed of adamantine particles, taken from the Greek word adamas, meaning invincible and referring to something extremely hard or unyielding. It could also be indicating something clear and brilliant, like a diamond. The Soul is our diamond nature.
When the term “particle” appears with adamantine, it derives from quantum theory and describes all fundamental, subatomic particles that form all of the elements in the universe. These particles assemble the atoms of all the original substances such as oxygen, hydrogen, and iron and are the basis of everything that exists. Imagine that. They are the smallest particles that cannot be divided any further, crystalline particles of infinity that store the potential to manifest any original element or substance. We are made of the substance of Creation itself.
What this means is that every manifestation in the third dimension of form emerges from the infinite expanse of Source energy or Light composed of unlimited potential. It is another way of saying that before you were born, you were with God—you were one with God, Spirit, Ananada the Creator of All. In Glenda Green’s book Love Without End, Jesus Christ’s channeled explanation of adamantine particles is this:
“Adamantine particles belong to both the infinite world, and the limited realm of human existence. They were the ‘First Light’ of creation. They are forever the light of consciousness. They provide the fuel and dynamic energy to propel thoughts into manifestation. They give flesh to spirit as well as new life, beauty, nourishment and healing to life. Because they are commanded by love and by the nature and will of spirit, adamantine particles belong to all dimensions.”
The Soul belongs to all dimensions
Indeed, our souls belong to all dimensions, and many of us are experiencing present lives with people now as a remembering of other lives with these same souls shared in other time-space dimensions. With our families, those whom we love deeply, and those with whom we are embattled, it is wise to ask if this is an opportunity to heal or transcend conflict or create something of beauty for the world. It is all love.
The exchange of adamantine particles is the exchange of life, which goes on throughout existence. They are particles of infinity that are irreducible, fundamental, and utterly elemental. Not only do they comprise our body, but also the wind and the ocean and everything about us, under the guidance of love. There is an ongoing exchange of these particles throughout eternity. They belong both to the infinite world and the limited realm of physical existence. They are Source energy.
All is under the command of love
It is so important to see that the essence of who you are is under the command of love, in all dimensions. The next time someone says that “love is who you are,” and they mean you are made up of adamantine particles of light under the command of love, then maybe you will not cringe at the sappiness!
But we forget. When we take human birth, the vast love that we are must come to Earth in the form of a little helpless baby, with an undeveloped awareness. By taking birth into a small body, we are separated from the experience of pure love that we are. There is the experience of embodiment shock, the first major moment of trauma that is both physical and spiritual, leading to a felt experience of separation.
I believe that water births and other methods of softening this entry can make one of the biggest differences in humanity!
When we are born, we literally pass through a portal into another dimension. We are left seeking a mirror to remember who we are. Thus begins the great search, that stirs in the hearts of all human beings.
Since we came from love, love is the only true mirror of who we are. The moment we realize that we are pure Love, a deep peace settles in, and we naturally want to mirror this back to others.
The great work of these times
To realize this radiant quality of our own diamond nature, and then consciously mirror this back to others, is the great work of these pivotal times. If you are reading this, it’s likely that your Soul came to earth to heal, transform and transmute the density of the past, and shine your radiant light as fully as you can. Your Soul calls you to be bold in your Love.
When I answered the call of my Soul in 2005 to live in the Andes, I wrote this poem which is so relevant now. This beautiful path of the Soul is a way of life that brings such joy, no matter what the loss or sorrow.
Your soul is the road
whose map is the heart
loss is a landmark
that invites you to
sit down
in whatever it is you call
with your sweet body.
There you can listen to light
filling emptiness
to begin your life
over again.
There is no need
to measure progress
along this way
which widens the moment
you welcome
as your guide.
Ask a friend to play
a flute,
a drum,
a mandolin,
and walk gently
along this road
always arriving.
May we all listen more carefully to the sacred language of our souls.
May we share the wisdom learned for the good of all.
Today is the first time I’ve heard of adamantine particles …something for me to learn more about.
Reading Immanuel Kant’s definition of Enlightenment is timely, as it has finally occurred to me to go within and find my own wisdom. Now I actually have a word for it : Nonage. Thank you for this “aha!”
Lovely poem Kathleen… thank you.