“…for us physicists believe the separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one.” Albert Einstein

Maybe you have heard it before—that time as we know it has collapsed, no longer exists.Many of us experience this as an unbelievably quickened pace of life and change. Just milkyway copyas Einstein’s Relativity Theory led Einstein to reject time, Feynman’s Sum over Histories Theory led him to describe time simply as a direction in space. Feynman’s theory states that the probability of an event is determined by summing together all the possible histories of that event, and when summed up, the vast majority of all these amplitudes add up to zero.

Why do I bother to mention this, and what does this have to do with life, business, or anything else?  First of all, this rush to get somewhere is one of the biggest illusions of all, and has driven most of humanity since the beginning of time as we’ve known it.  There has been this sense of needing to accomplish one thing to get to another and another on the trajectory of our goals, so that we can finally feel successful.

Simply stated, this old way is over.  It doesn’t work the same way anymore!!  I am sure you have noticed.

Let me shift now from the scientific point of view to the mystical/poetic, and you will see how they converge, as they always have.  The mystics and poets simply understood these things without the need for proof, because they listened to the pulse of life inside themselves. 

What if each and every moment is actually a package of light in which we show up?  Think about it for a moment!  If each moment is a package of light, and what we call time is a direction in space leading up to the zero point of each moment, then each moment is new.  Carrie Hart writes about this in her beautiful post, A World With No Past, in which she describes the state of being she entered into when she considered that there really is no past:

And this moment was full of promise and possibility. It was wide open. There was no past in which people had given me advice one way or the other. No past in which I had decided I couldn’t do something or wasn’t good enough to succeed. No past in which something seemed unlikely, much less impossible. All opportunities sparkled out in front of me with equal possibility. Everything was wide open.”

It can be scary to imagine everything we have created and held to as “real” from the past dissolving right out from under us, and yet it is happening to so many.   Not only are jobs, businesses, relationships, health and everything else up for grabs, as far as the sweeping changes, but people are actually destroying their old lives on purpose…..something very familiar to me.  I met hundreds of such people at the World Domination Summit, who had walked from jobs and lives of security into the vast unknown of the dream held in their hearts. This makes room for the emergence process to unfold at its very best, without the constraints of robotic lifestyles that deaden who we are, and dim the light of each moment.

New leaders are emerging as a result—people  like Jia Jiang, who left the corporate world to start his own company.  After feeling crushed by rejection from an investment opportunity, he started a project to overcome his pain and fear of rejection. What he experienced in his 100 days of making friends with rejection is a new joy and enthusiasm for life, as well as a calling to speak to thousands of others to help them befriend and leverage rejection.  I cried when Jia Jiang so courageously spoke, with his Chinese accent, and his heartfelt humility. 

Tess Vigeland, a well-known voice to millions of American radio listeners, and a veteran journalist, spoke with such exquisite vulnerability about her tumultuous year since leaving her dream job, in which she had become restless and passionless.  Over and over again, she said what many people have said to her, and which she has asked herself countless times:  “What the hell are you doing?  Are you crazy?”  As Tess stood on stage and demonstrated the highs and lows of the emotional roller coaster of moments she has been on, she reached into the hearts of the full house of world change agents.  I cried then too.

I cried a lot, for many reasons.  I cried because I was in the moment with these people, sharing the package of light, and as they shared, my moments unfolded with a connection to their moments.  No one was trying to sell anything or get anything from anyone else. We co-created our packages of light in the direction of a better and more honest world, where we don’t have to pretend that we are separate—–the other great illusion of earth experience. We were all pregnant with a very new and beautiful future.

Why do we cry when we have these moments, these packages of light?  Because without our past we live in the heart, in Sacred Heart, of which there is only one. The Sacred Heart has an exact location in the body, which can vary slightly in each person, but it is approximately the same.  It is located between the spine and the physical heart, anywhere from and inch above the physical heart to 3 inches below it.  The Sacred Heart establishes a true central axis for the body, whereas the physical heart is slightly left of center. The Sacred Heart actually marks the intersection point of mortal and eternal life.  Sacred heart

Envision a vertical shaft of light extending from heaven to earth and passing through your body.  Then see it intersected by a horizontal line of events representing your life. The Highest Intelligence embraces all earthly possibilities at this intersection point of complete unity and zero resistance.


Breathe into your Sacred Heart, and follow these instructions by the poet Rumi:

“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.”

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