As I walk my dog Sophie every day, I pass through several underground tunnels like the one here, which I photographed yesterday.  I have time to reflect on what I am hearing from people, and what is true for me, and how I can best serve at this remarkable time in human history.

As I speak with people, I hear a common theme these days—-about finally being ready to “get out there,” and this feeling of being so pregnant  with ideas and dreams that there is a sense of urgency.  I know this feeling well, and it had been propelling me forward for some time.  It is the urge to get out of the tunnel/birth canal and burst forth with new life.  It is innate to being human, and heightened at this time.

 I also know the feeling of being stuck, wanting to move forward and not being clear, or too afraid.  I see it in myself when I avoid looking at challenging tasks.   I see this when I have a discovery session with someone who has labeled their sense of urgency a 10, but when it comes to making a clear decision and taking any action on it, they come up with reasons to wait. Fear of scarcity, failure, or simply a deep unworthiness takes over, and they disappear. 

Push?  Take action?  Wait?  It can be almost as confusing as what to eat these days—-paleo diet with lots of meat and veggies, raw food diet with lots of nuts and seeds, weightwatchers to keep the calories under control????? 

What is true? How can you know if you are on track?  Are the gurus preaching “massive action” the ones to listen to?  When is fear paralyzing you, and when are you gestating something of worth that requires a deeper listening and more time? 

The trailblazer coach Shawn Driscoll’s article called “The Art of Nurturing What’s Next,” speaks to this beautifully: “In order to create businesses that are a force for good in the world we must protect, preserve and provide the ideal environment for new thinking.  We can’t risk losing the future of our business—and industry—to our impatience.  We have to cultivate an ability to nurture what’s next and measure success by the quality of the questions we’re asking and the production of new ideas.”

Stop and think about it.  The birth canal is the first passage we come through, and it appears that the tunnel at the end of life, which has been documented in countless near death experiences as having a bright and loving light at its end, is the final passage from this earth.  It is quite possibly a memory of birth, for the entire notion of passage is its own archetype, its own profound experience that all human beings share.

One is often associated with  contraction and pain, the the other with bliss and a pervasive sense of peace. Both are associated with shifting from one dimension to another.

We are wired to be on the go, heading somewhere, on a mission.  It is part of the optical illusion of consciousness that we are separate from that which we seek.  Whether it be success, love, money, or health, our striving is one aspect of the dilemma.  It is as if you have a striving gene keeping you alive.

You cannot get there.   You can only be there.  That bright light—- it is you, your very nature.  That success, it is you, your very nature.  That abundance, it is you, your very nature. 

You say, “Right.  How is that going to help me pay the rent?  How is that going to help me get the job I want, the love I seek, the clients I need?”  I have said those things myself, rationalizing the next action I would take, from a place of contraction, separation, scarcity.   Massive action works for some people, some of the time.  How is it working for you?  I am one of the blessed it no longer works for, unless it arises from the most authentic place inside me.  I have been guided to find a different way. 

You may be one of those as well.  

That way…….is to experience myself as the light at the end of the tunnel while here on earth, paying the bills, living in joy and true abundance.  The action I take moment to moment is to watch my own mind and be aware of the moment when I lose trust because of something “real” that must be handled.  It is what being multidimensional truly is, so that the duality of the 3rd dimension is resolved within me as the one idea, the single focus.  It is to be visible as the light, so that others can be their own.  As the Buddha said, “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared”.

Yet happiness decreases when I strive, and push, and try to get there.  You can apply this to any aspect of your life—-relationship, business, wealth, purpose, health, living situations.  It is not new knowledge.  What is new is how you show up living this knowledge as wisdom, in your life and business at this time in history.

What is also new is that the access to so many ideas that are being shared can lead you to get more confused.  Too much stimulation, too many promises of the magic bullet playing into the vulnerabilities of your striving gene, your survival tendencies. 

Just stop.  Dare to stop…….. and listen.  Guidance is always there for you.  Tend to the creative urges, the quiet ideas that keep coming back, and learn to discern.  Which ones are keepers?  What is needed for them to evolve into full-fledged adult creations that you can offer?

Be protective at times, fierce when you must be.  Learn to distinguish between unhealthy resistance and divine timing. When you are the light at the end of the tunnel, you know the difference.  




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